The Annual Nepal AI School (ANAIS) Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Provide students/professionals with the prerequisite fundamentals of mathematics, statistics, programming and paper reading skills required for starting a career in AI research
Provide overview of state-of-the-art research in ML and AI
Inspire early stage researchers from Nepal and the region to take on challenging high impact AI problems in visual recognition, natural language processing, medical science etc.
Provide a venue for sharing and discussing cutting-edge technological advances in AI among both veteran and young researchers from around the world
Create new opportunities for the participants and play an important role in democratizing AI by inspiring the next generation of leaders in AI from developing countries
The Annual Nepal AI School (ANAIS) – Spring Edition consists of series of lectures, lab sessions, and scientific paper reading/writing sessions given by invited world-class experts. The experts come from some of the world’s leading research labs and Universities. These experts also include a number of alumni who graduated from the local engineering schools, and have good knowledge of the teaching methodology there and the key gaps that need to be filled. The social events (a day hiking and dinner) will provide ample opportunities for the like-minded people to network and collaborate.
Senior Undergraduates, Graduates and PhD students
Working Engineers
Academics interested to get into AI
In the past three Winter Editions of the Annual Nepal AI School (ANAIS) organized by NAAMII, we’ve welcomed over 400 participants and 55 distinguished speakers from 30+ countries around the world. For our Fourth Edition as well, we are set to invite some influential people and world-class experts from some of the leading research labs, organizations and universities.
- 3-D Printing
- 3D technology
- Aacquisition
- Academic Research
- Accounting
- Acupuncture
- Addiction
- Administration
- Administrational
- Adobe
- Advanced Materials
- Adventure
- Aerodynamics
- Aeronautics
- Aerospace Engineering
- Aesthetics
- Agriculture
- Agriculture & Horticulture
- Air
- Airships
- Allergy
- Alloys
- Alzheimer
- Ambition
- Analytical
- Analytical Research
- Analytics
- Android
- Anesthesiology
- Animal
- Anthropology
- Application
- Applied mathematics
- Applied Mechanics
- Applied Physics
- Applied Science
- Aquaculture
- Aquatic
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Arrhythmias
- Art
- Artificial Intelligence
- Arts
- Astrobiology
- Astronomy
- Astrophysics
- Automation
- Automobile
- Aviation
- Award Ceremony
- Awards
- Banking
- Banks
- Behaviour
- Beverages
- Big Data
- Biochemical
- Biodesign
- Bioenergy
- Bioengineering
- Bioethics
- Biofuels
- Bioinformatic
- Biological
- Biological Science
- Biology
- Biomass & Biofuel
- Biomaterials
- Biomedicine
- Biometrics & Identity
- Biopolymers
- Bioprocessing
- Biopsy
- Biosciences
- Biotech
- Biotechnology
- Blogging
- Book Fairs
- Bootcamp
- Brain Informatics
- Brand Development
- Building
- Bunker
- Business
- Business Management
- Business_Management
- Cancer Research
- Capital
- Carbon Science
- Cardiology
- Cardiovascular
- Career
- Catalysis
- Cell
- Ceramics
- Characterization
- Chemical
- Chemistry
- Child
- Child Care
- Children
- China
- Circuits
- Cities
- Civil Engineering
- Climate
- Clinical
- Clinical Practice Guidelines
- Coaching
- Coding
- Collaboration
- Commerce
- Commonwealth
- Communication
- Company
- Computational Intelligence
- Computer
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Computing
- Conference
- Conservation
- Conservational Biology
- Construction
- consumer
- Content Marketing
- Content Strategy
- Control
- cooking
- Corrosion Science
- Cosmetic
- Creative
- Creativity
- Crime
- Crude Oil
- Cryptocurrencies
- Culture
- Customer
- Cyber Security
- Cybersecurity
- Dance
- Data
- Data Envelopment
- Data Management
- Data mining
- Data Privacy
- Data Science
- Delegate
- Dental
- Dentistry
- Dermatology
- Design
- Design UI / UX
- Developers
- Development
- Devices
- DevOps
- Diabetes
- Digestive
- Digital
- Digital Content Marketing
- Digital Marketing
- Disaster
- Discovery
- Diseases
- Disorders
- Doctors
- Drug
- Ecological
- eCommerce
- Economics
- Econsultancy
- Ecosystem
- Education
- Education & Elearning
- Electrical engineering
- Electronics
- Embedded System
- Emergency
- Endocrinology
- Endoscopy
- Energy
- Energy Conservation
- Energy Harvesting
- Engineering
- Engineers
- English
- Enterprise
- Entertainment
- Entomology
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental
- Environmental Sciences
- Enzymology
- Epidemics
- Epigenetic
- Ethics
- Ethics \
- European Countries
- European Studies
- Event
- Events & Meetings
- Excellence
- Excellent international platform
- Exercise
- Experimentation
- Expo
- External relation
- Fabrication
- Family Planning
- Fashion & Luxury
- Festival
- Fiction
- Fighting Championship
- Film
- Finance
- Financial Advisor
- Fisheries
- Fitness
- Flourine Chemistry
- Fluid Flow
- Fonts
- Food
- Food & Beverages
- Food and Nutrition
- Food Safety
- Forestry
- Foster Care
- Fraud
- Fuel
- Functional Material
- Funds
- Game
- Gaming
- Gas & Petroleum
- Gastroenterology
- Gems & Jewellery
- Gene
- General Science, Physics & Chemistry
- General Talks
- Generation
- Genetics
- Geology & Environment
- Geometry
- Geoscience
- Geotechnical
- Geriatric
- Gerontology
- Global Participant
- Global Studies
- Globalization
- Governance
- Green Energy
- Hacking
- Health
- Health & Medicine
- Healthcare
- Heart
- Heat Transfer
- Helicopter
- Hematologists
- Hematology
- Hepatology
- Heritage
- History
- Human
- Human Development
- Human Resource
- Human Rights
- Humanities
- Humor
- Hybrid
- Hydrogen
- Ideologies
- Image processing
- Inclusion
- Industrial
- Inequalities
- Infectious
- Infectious Diseases
- Informatics
- Information
- Information Technology
- Infrastructure
- Innovation
- Innovation and Design
- Inspirational
- Insurance
- Interaction
- Interdisciplinary
- Internalaudit
- International Relations
- Internet
- Internet of Things
- Investigation
- Investment
- Investments
- Islamic
- Israel
- Justice
- Land
- Landscape
- Language
- Language and Teaching
- Law
- Law and Political Science
- Lawyers
- Leadership
- Leadership & Innovation
- Learning
- Lecturers
- Lectures
- Library
- Life Sciences
- Lifestyle
- Linguistics
- Linux
- Literature
- Liver Cancer
- Lockdown
- Logistics
- Loneliness
- Loyalty
- Machine earning
- Machine learning
- Magnetism
- Management
- Manufacturers
- Manufacturing
- Mariculture
- Marine
- Marine Biology
- Marine Science
- Marketing
- Marketing & Big Data
- Mass Media
- Material
- Material Science
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechanics
- Media
- Medical
- Medical Science
- Medicine
- Medieval Studies
- Men
- Mental Health
- Metallurgical
- Metallurgy
- Meteorology and Climatology
- Methodologies
- Microbiology
- Microscopy
- Microsoft
- Military
- Mineral
- Mining
- Mitochondria
- Mobile
- Mobile & Wearable Tech
- Mobility
- Modelling
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular Spectroscopy
- Monasticism
- Motorcycling
- Movies, Animation & Games
- Multidisciplinary
- Multimedia
- Music
- Muslims
- Nanodevices
- Nanomaterials
- Nanomedicine
- Nanoscience
- Nanotechnology
- Natural
- Natural Science
- Naturopathy
- Navigation
- Neighborhood
- Neonatal
- Neonatology
- Networking
- Networks
- Neural Networks
- Neuro
- Neurological
- Neurology
- Neurophysiology
- Neuroscience
- Neurosurgery
- Neurotology
- Neutron Scattering
- Next Generation
- Non-profit
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Obesity
- Ocean
- Oil & Money
- Oil and Gas
- Oncology
- Open governance
- Open Source
- ophthalmic
- Ophthalmology
- Optics
- Optimization
- Organ Banking
- Organ Preservation
- Organic
- Others
- Otology
- Ovarian
- Oxidation Processes
- Palestine
- Paranormal
- Parkinson
- Parliament
- Parliamentary
- Peace
- Pediatric
- Pediatrics
- Pension
- Period
- Perspectives
- Petrochemistry
- Petroleum
- Pharma
- Pharmaceutical
- Pharmaceuticals
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacovigilance
- Pharmacy
- Philately
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Physical
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Physiology
- Physiotherapy
- Plants
- Podcast
- Policy
- Political Science
- Politics
- Polution Reduction
- Polycystic
- Polymer
- Polymer Science
- population
- Pottery
- Power
- Power Control
- Practice
- Primary care
- Privacy
- Processing
- Production
- Programming
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Psychotherapy
- Public
- Python Developers
- Racing
- Radiology
- Real Estate & Housing
- Rebuild
- Recover
- Recruiting
- Recruitment
- Recycling
- Rehabilitation
- Reinforcement
- Relationship
- Religion
- Remote Sensing
- Renewable
- Renewable Energy
- Research
- research symposium
- Researchers
- Resilience
- Respiratory Diseases
- Rethink
- Rhetorics
- Rhinology
- Robotics
- Sales
- Scala Developer
- Schizophrenia Research
- Science
- Science and Technology
- Scientific
- Scientists
- Search Engine
- Security
- Sensor
- Services
- Sexual Harassment
- Smart Objects
- Smart systems for various therapies
- Smart Technology
- Social Media
- Social Movemennt
- Social Responsibility
- Social Sciences
- Social Study
- Society
- Sociological
- Soft Computing
- Software
- Soil
- Soil Science
- Solution Chemistry
- Space
- Spectroscopy
- Sports
- Sports Science
- stakeholders
- Startups
- States
- Statistics
- Stem Cell
- Stem cells application
- Stock
- Stock_Market
- Stock_Trading
- Storytelling
- Strategies
- Structures
- Students
- Studies
- Suicide
- Summer Camp
- Supplements
- Supramolecular
- Surface Science
- Surgeons
- Surgery
- Sustainability
- Sustainable
- Symopsium
- Syndrome
- Talent
- Teaching
- Techniques
- Technologists
- Technology
- TechNOVA
- Television
- Terrorist
- Testing
- Theology & Religion
- Therapy
- Thoughts & Ideas
- Tissue
- Tissue Engineering
- Tissue Repair
- Tourism
- Tourism Management
- Trade
- Traders
- Traffic
- Trafficking
- Transformation
- Transition
- Transplantation
- Trauma
- Travel
- Travel & Hospitality
- Treatment
- Tumor
- Typography
- US
- vaccination
- Vaccines & Vaccination
- Vehicle
- Vehicular
- Veterinary
- Video Games
- Violence
- Virology
- Virtual Conference
- Virtual life
- Waste Management
- Wastewater Treatment
- Water
- Water infrastructure
- Water Management
- Wealth
- Wearable
- Web Development
- Webinar
- Wedding
- Welding
- Wildlife
- Wireless Network
- Women
- Women Conferences
- Women Empowerment
- Women's Right
- Workshop
- Workshops
- World
- Writing
- Youth